Friday, 2 May 2014
Closing statement
Overall I am happy
with my promo video for the Angel Inn. I think the way I went about getting all
the pre-production and sorting out with Andrew Stammers (Manager) how and when
I would do the filming was handled very well. When I was thinking about my
ideas and what would be the best possible place to promote, I listed up about 3
or 4 ideas but in the end I decided to contact The Angel to see if I could meet
with the manager. On March the 2nd I met with Andrew Stammers to
explain to him my intentions to promote his pub in a short video, he accepted
my offer and I was filming for a day a week later.
When I cam back to
college I got straight on with editing my video. I had 130 clips, which I had
to choose from, but also I had edit/cut down some of the interview with Andrew
Stammers, as I wanted just the real informational about the pub. In my opinion
this was a easier part of the editing period as a lot of what Andrew said was
very good and interesting. I fitted in as much as could and in all I think the
interview fits well with what he is saying with what you are seeing on the
video. A great example of this is when he is giving information on the
accommodation at the Angel. You can hear him over footage I got of the rooms
that are for staying nightly! Stuff like this made me very happy as it’s
promoting it very well.
I thought I had to
add a little bit more to my video so I added the “dissolve” effect to some of
the shots. This made it more watchable as each shot faded into another one and
as the majority of my shots are “Pane” shots this worked very well. All my
shots a reasonably slow so all the fading had to be the same length and speed
and I think when I used this effect, it work very well with the chosen clips. I
then had to insert the titles and the way I get them to dissolve at the end I
am very happy with as each bit of information comes up once at a time and the
information that is needed comes up.
Obviously with all
these shots and effects I needed a good audio to go with it. I went for a slow
and charming melody, which runs for about 3 minutes. A piece of music like this
sort of explains what the pub is about. A nice place that anyone can go to and
enjoy themselves and while this audio is playing, you see footage of the bar at
one of its peak times at lunchtimes with people talking and having a good time.
A great Bit of footage to make the Angell look like a nice/successful place. When
the interview is being shown, I dip the audio to a perfect volume so you can
still hear it in the background but can Cleary hear what Andrew Stammers is
Once I had
completed the video I put it onto my blog and uploaded it onto YOUTUBE. I quickly
got response from people I had shown the video to and the people that commented
on it. It was all good feedback with people saying it looked like a great place
and a place that they would happily try out. And when it comes down to it that
was my aim from the start. I wanted to try and get people to eat or try out the
Angel but not just the Angel, pub/restaurants like the Angel! Places like this
are different types of culture to modern restaurants and bars as these type of
places are very old fashioned but still hold a great atmosphere, serve great
food and make for great times out for family and friends and with the outcome
of my video, I think I achieved my goal with the people that have viewed my video!
Angel Inn Larling, Promo video
This my final edit of my Promo Video for the Angel Inn, Larling. I hope you enjoy!
Evidence of complying with Regulatory bodies
These are the two most important paragraphs on the OF COM web page with them clearly stating the rules behind showing alcohol. Clearly i understand that as i was filming at a pub for the day, Alcohol was clearly on site and quite easily accessible. There was a wide selection of different drinks located all around the bar area but i can clearly state that I did not take part in consuming any of it. Even tho people who i was filming where taking part in drinking alcoholic drinks, I did not. I can also confirm that no kids or young children where on site when filming was taking place so not rules where being broken. Just to not also, I did not film any driving while on site as people might think they had been drinking in the Angel and breaking the law by driving away. But no-one done this but i did not film just in case.
In my video i try to avoid showing a lot of alcohol being consumed as i understand not everyone is for drinking and if i did have a lot of footage of people drinking alcoholic drinks then people might think i was trying to advertise it. I fully feel i didn't break any of the rules and regulations when filming and editing my video and i hope people enjoy it!
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Rushes log
These are my clips in my file. In total i have 130 clips and the interview is also located in this file. I did not use all of these but the majority i used were my favorite/best clips.
16th January: Started the assignment. Set up blog.
23rd January: Handed in my project proposal
6th February: Performed my pitch in front of my classmates
13th February: Given my task sheet for my blog and began pre-production
March 2nd: Went to the Angel and discussed with Andrew Stamers my intentions for promoting his pub. He gave me permission and we set on the date of the 18th March.
In between all of this i got all the production documents done.
March 18th: Filmed for 3 hours at the Angel and interviewed Andrew Stammers.
Came back to college and completed more extra preparations and then Started editing my footage.
24th April: Finally finished all my editing and put my video on the internet.
May 2nd: Hand in day.
Feedbck on my video
This is a comment left on my video by a viewer! I think this fair feedback that i am generally happy with!
Entry 12
Today and tomorrow i will put the finishing touches to my blog as i have a few things to do. I still need to upload my schedule. Upload my Participant form that he filed in. and a few more other little things then i can work on the evaluation.
Friday, 25 April 2014
I have finished editing all my footage and my promotion video is ready for publishing on the web. All i have to do now is finish some working sheets and i will then go onto my evaluation!
This is the section of all the files and documents i used and edited. In here you have the file with all my clips and the full sequence in its self. Along with these you have all my Titles that i edited along with the chosen color backgrounds. Then you have the extra stuff like the color bars and stopwatch at beginning.
This is the end to my video with the titles all fitted together with effects. In this picture you can see the dissolve effects i used at the beginning and ends of some shots which gave a nice effect when watching the promo video. As you can see the shots are all different length with some being longer than others and some being quite short.
This is the audio i used and as you can see, i dipped the volume up and down so you could hear the interview but with the music still in the background. You can clearly see when the interview is taking place on the screen as the bar is nearly at the bottom of the sequence which means you can only just hear it when Andrew Stammers speaks. You can then see when that part of the interview end as the bar rises to its normal space. As you can just see at then end of the screenshot, i had to use the the audio files twice so i had to find a good part to continue it!
Audience research and getting It out there
The audience i am hoping to target my video is at multiple types of people. People who like going out for meals with family to old traditional pubs/restaurants so they can get a brief example of what The Angel has to offer. Like the traditional Norfolk menu and the great surroundings it has around it. It will also give people who like to travel the chance to see the accommodations as it offers great rooms for staying in nightly so people who are seeing Norfolk can see how much it is to stay at the Angel Inn. But i think the main aim is to try and get people who don't necessarily go out to pubs like this and win them over to try something different! I understand that old fashioned buildings aren't everyone's cup of tea but i think if my video is up to a good standard then it might possibly get people to try something different at The angel. I suppose you would say i was aiming this at a slightly younger age group.
Getting my video out there:
To start with, i will put my video on Youtube and allow people to comment on it. This will allow me to receive good feedback from other people who have done similar videos. Then i will put it on my blog as my final piece so my blog will be completed! But finally i will contact Andrew Stammers to say the video has been completed. I will then ask for his views on it and if he likes the video and thinks it would promote his pub/restaurant excellently, then im sure he will put it on the Angel Inn website
The audience i am hoping to target my video is at multiple types of people. People who like going out for meals with family to old traditional pubs/restaurants so they can get a brief example of what The Angel has to offer. Like the traditional Norfolk menu and the great surroundings it has around it. It will also give people who like to travel the chance to see the accommodations as it offers great rooms for staying in nightly so people who are seeing Norfolk can see how much it is to stay at the Angel Inn. But i think the main aim is to try and get people who don't necessarily go out to pubs like this and win them over to try something different! I understand that old fashioned buildings aren't everyone's cup of tea but i think if my video is up to a good standard then it might possibly get people to try something different at The angel. I suppose you would say i was aiming this at a slightly younger age group.
Getting my video out there:
To start with, i will put my video on Youtube and allow people to comment on it. This will allow me to receive good feedback from other people who have done similar videos. Then i will put it on my blog as my final piece so my blog will be completed! But finally i will contact Andrew Stammers to say the video has been completed. I will then ask for his views on it and if he likes the video and thinks it would promote his pub/restaurant excellently, then im sure he will put it on the Angel Inn website
Thursday, 3 April 2014

This is a screenshot of my edit and i would say this is nearly completed.This is a screenshot that shows my whole project in premier pro with the edit timeline and the screen that projects it. It also shows all the shots i had in my rushes log along with the section that allowed me to edit my titles. Overall this is the whole project at work with every detail shown.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Thursday, 20 March 2014
Entry 9
I have now completed all my filming at the Angel. I was filming for about 3 hours and got all the required shots. I am very happy with how the day went and i thought the interview went well.
Friday, 7 March 2014
Example 2
Unlike the video below this, the place that is being promoted is very
like mine and I will take a lot of examples from the angles/shots used
as the pubs look similar. It is just a huge shame there is no audio used
so sadly this ruins the good work of the video.
example video
This is a good example of a video. Even tho it promotes a quite modern bar unlike my pub, a lot of the shots used I plan to use in my video.
Thursday, 6 March 2014
entry 8
Action- Book a camera out for my filming day
document- complete further research and tasks
blog update- alter it by possibly changing the background
document- complete further research and tasks
blog update- alter it by possibly changing the background
Thursday, 27 February 2014
entry 7
I had my second meeting with Andrew Stammers and i have been given the go-ahead to film at The Angel. I am very happy with the outcome and i can now fully start preparing.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
entry 6
I have now met with Andrew Stammers ( the owner of the angel) and i have set a date which we will hopefully meet and set a date in which i can hopefully film. In all, i think it went well!
Friday, 7 February 2014
Entry 5
Today i pitched my idea to my course and received feedback. Personally i felt it went well as i covered most of what i needed to. I think i need to think about how long my production will be but also start need to think about my choice of music which will be playing in the background.
Contact Andrew Stammers ( Owner of the Angel)
Contact Artist for back up idea
Get music ideas ( research)
List of events
Contact Andrew Stammers ( Owner of the Angel)
Contact Artist for back up idea
Get music ideas ( research)
List of events
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Entry 4
By the end of the day, i hope to have completed task 4 which is my pitch so i can present it tomorrow.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Entry 3
I completed on the tasks that were in-front of me today and now i can complete my pitch that is in for next week. I also hope to hear back from "The Angel" sometime in the week!
My Proposal
I Kieran Grady will produce a
ten-minute video point to promote a local restaurant/pub called " The
Angel". The restaurant is located in Larling. It is an old-fashioned style
restaurant that excels in quality food but mainly Norfolk based which makes it
unique and is in a great area. The Programme will be aimed at people who enjoy
going out for food or people who possibly have an interested in a traditional Norfolk
based menu. It will be informational about the building and will provide evidence
of why it is very successful.
The whole video will take
place at the restaurant.
The production process will
follow what happens in the restaurant. From when you first enter the pub all
the way through to the dining room of the building. Then I will attempt to get
footage of the work, which happens behind the scenes in the kitchen. I will
hopefully be able to show what the vibe and feeling is within the
It will begin with the
outside of the building which is surrounded by fields and also sometimes has
some classic cars outside and hopefully I can be lucky and go on a day which
there are.
I think I will have nice and
cheerful music playing when not interviewing but I have still not fully made up
my mind.
I hope to use interviews in
my production. As I know the manager personally, if I get his permission to go
a head with the production, I hope to interview him about how the pub runs but
also interview members of the staff such as chefs, waitresses and if I feel I
need to, I will try and get an opinion of a customer on how they felt the
experience went. I think all of these would fit well with the rest of the
production and I think this are a main priority.
I still haven't fully
arranged what equipment I am going to use for the production but the editing
software will be Premiere Pro. But I am confident to have this fully arranged
when I a ready to start the production.
Initial Research
Initial Research- task 1
Production management- This refers to
operations and control of an industrial process in order to make sure the
production runs smoothly to a good standard. It runs in a number of fields. The
main things consist of managing the money side of the production and the organization skills of the production. These are serious challenges for the
person who is in charge of the production and many other things can.
Corporate and promotional
programme production- Compared to
advertising production, corporate and promotional programme productions advise
people and try and tell the person what exactly something is and what it does.
While on the other hand, advertising tries to sell something. They gain profit form this.
Social action and community
media production- first of all the main
difference from this and Corporate and promotional programme is that production
is that these productions don’t gain any money for there work.
Reflection: I was highly
surprised by the importance of these 3 different production methods. I
understand that my task and goal is to produce a production management for the client.
In this case the owner of “The Angel” in Larling. I think creating a short
production film for a small business would work well for both parties, as I
would gain great understanding of how things like these activities happen in
the media industry. But also I think I could make a great high quality
promotional video for an independent company. I understand that to make such a
good video, I would have to do a fair bit of research and I have already gained
information on the business I hope to promote. I have gained images of the
building, have tried and contacted the owner and have also found out important
details of the menu and activities that happen there. I think that this project
will test me and will bring the best out of my ability in editing, research, filming,
and productive work.
Ideas For final Major Production
Ideas For final Major Production
1st Idea: There is a local paintball site near where i live. I think that this would possibly be a great place to do a promotional video. The site has a lot of different activities apart from just paintball so if they didn't need a video of just the paintball features so if i was not to promote the whole site i could do just one feature.
The Basic idea: The Basic idea would be to promote the site which is based in Thetford. I would go round with a go pro camera and hopefully film the action while its taking place. I would then hopefully be able to talk to the people who work there, some of who i know very well. Then also show every type of game that is played there and all the facts about the site.
The client: The owner of the site and the company
Potential issue: As I would have to take quite expensive equipment onto a combat site, there could be a risk that they could be damaged. I hope to cover the cameras and protect them if i was to promote the site.
The potential audience: people who perhaps have never really given paint balling a chance. Or people who may be scared of it.
2nd idea: Where i live, there is a pub/ restaurant called The Angel. It is a very old fashioned pub but serves great food at reasonable prices. Its a average size so there are many rooms i could film in. I know the owner so i think if the paintball idea was not to happen, this would be a great back up.
The Basic Idea: I would get shots of the whole building and hopefully get footage of the kitchen when the restaurant is in full swing. That way, the footage i get would be the best example of the work that happens there. I would also interview the Manager and talk to members of the staff. I think all this would blend well together.
The Client: The manager of the pub
Potential issue: I could be turned down.
The Potential audience: People who enjoy going out for meals in rural restaurants but possibly people who don't and my video production could persuade them to try it.
3rd Idea: I have thought about contacting my driver instructor if my two other ideas were to fall through. I think together we could do a short video production on driving basics and also promote him as a very good teacher.
Basic Idea: I would get footage of the car driving in and outside the car. I would get him to give details of his business and the basics of what you get from learning from him so he can try and promote himself on my video.
The client: The Driving Instructor
Potential issue: It might be hard to get the shots i want when in the car and the car is being driven. He might also not being comfortable with the idea of expensive equipment being used while someone is driving the car as it might distract them and might cause a crash.
The Potential Audience: People who are looking to learn to drive.
Entry 2
Today i hope to upload all the tasks on to my Blog. I also hope to start my pitch which is task 5. spoke to Barrie and he says i could also do research into The Angel pub.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
entry 1
Today i hope to complete all the tasks after completing the blog. I hop to finish the end of task 1 and then task 2. By the end of the day they should be completed and i could possibly start on my logo.
Friday, 17 January 2014
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